Daily Rates & Headlines History

12/13/2022 Daily Rates

By 12/14/2022June 6th, 2023No Comments

12/13/2022 Daily Rates

Today’s Par Rate* Charge
(1st rate below 1% Charge)
Yesterday’s Par Rate*
Interest Rate
1.14% Interest Rate
*Rate Scenario Details: Purchase, 30 Year Fixed, Conventional, $500,000 Purchase, $400,000 Loan, 80% LTV, 41% DTI, Income=$7,500, Primary Residence, Single Family, 84045 Zip Code, FICO=780, Escrows=Yes, Fees Out, Expiration=30 days.
Daily Rate Sheet Compare Comparison Rate* Difference Today Yesterday
Higher 7.000% 0.081 0.051 -0.03
Higher MBS Price
Current Day

7:52 AM MST
MBS Price
10 Year Treasury
Higher MBS Price
Yesterday Close
MBS Price
10 Year Treasury
Rate Influence Economic Report Actual Expected Prior
Lower NAHB Housing  32 34 33
Yellow highlight = Higher Interest Rates.
Green Highlight = Lower Interest Rates.

Mortgage News & Comments

Overcoming self doubt in real estate

(RealTrends by Marni Davimes). Confidence starts with knowing your power and understanding your strength. In tough times, becoming bogged down with self-doubt can happen to the best of us. During such a volatile and uncertain time for our housing market, industry professionals may be finding themselves falling into this very trap.
Between failed deals, sales going south and overall rejection, it’s easy to second-guess yourself as a real estate professional today. “I know it feels like a lot,” said Jay Shetty, host of the On Purpose podcast and the keynote speaker at the NAR NXT conference in Orlando. “Before I really got a breakthrough in my career, I spent a lot of time hearing no.” Breaking through the barrier of self-doubt could be the single most important step to a successful career in any industry, and for real estate professionals, it’s a must. Shetty puts it best, “Self-doubt is one of the most crippling and crumbling things in the world. And we feel it because there’s so much failure, so much objection, so many nos, so much lack of belief around what we do.”
So, if you want to replace doubt with strength, where do you begin? The first stop is self-evaluation according to Shetty.

  1. Outgoing vs. reserved personalities. Shetty opts for first asking yourself a simple question: “Am I outgoing or am I reserved?” There’s no wrong answer. Shetty highlights that confidence can thrive in both personality types, despite some common misconceptions that reserved folks are lacking in the confidence department. “If you are reserved, you’re just as confident, this is not a difference in confidence. You’re more likely to stand on the sidelines, get into a deep meaningful conversation as a one-on-one. And this is when you feel your best,” said Shetty.
  2. People focused vs. task focused. The second question Shetty urges professionals to ask themselves is whether they are people focused, or task focused. Your instinct might be that you’re both! So, how can you determine which side you lean towards?
    “People-focused people are thinking, ‘Is everyone having a good time? Is everyone engaged? Is everyone learning?’ They’re thinking about people’s experiences,” explained Shetty.
    On the other hand, task-focused folks are likely looking at the time. “‘Oh, 10 minutes left. Oh my [gosh], health and safety? What if anyone falls over?’ So people-oriented people think about people first, task-focused people think about tasks first.”
    Just like outgoing vs. reserved, there’s no right or wrong type. Finding your strength in real estate is all about embracing what makes you you and unearthing the talents that will best serve your customers and clients. In fact, the more diversity; the better. Shetty employs Einstein to make this point. “There’s a beautiful statement that Albert Einstein shared, he said that everyone’s a genius. That if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it’s stupid.”
    To be comfortable and confident with yourself is the ultimate way to abolish self doubt both professionally and personally. “When we are trying to be someone else, that’s when we lose our power,” said Shetty. “When we’re comparing ourselves to someone else, thinking, ‘If we could just be a little bit more like them, we’d be successful.’ That’s when you lose your power.”

Changing the way we look at ourselves can be the key to finding the superpower we bring to the table, to brokerages, to clients and to the real estate industry as a whole.

Direct Comment

We all have so much to offer. We can truly be a benefit to society and to our neighbors if we can think just a little more about how we can help others. Specific to our industry, it might be good to ask yourself, “…how can I better serve more people to know about mortgage loans? …”

A True Millennial?

(Doctrine and Covenants 1:12). “Prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come, for the Lord is nigh.”


A true millennial is one who taught and who was taught the gospel of Jesus Christ premortally and who made covenants there with our Heavenly Father about courageous things – even morally courageous things – that he or she would do while here on earth.
A true millennial is a man or woman whom God trusted enough to send to earth during the most compelling dispensation in the history of this world. A true millennial is a man or woman who lives now to help prepare the people of this world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and His millennial reign. Make no mistake about it – you were born to be a true millennial.
(Daily Joy, Russell M. Nelson, p. 378).